
Manufacturing Commission pre-election event

  Thursday, 25 July 2024 09:22
Lord Bilimoria, CBE DL, photographer Richter Frank-Jurgen Lord Bilimoria, CBE DL, photographer Richter Frank-Jurgen

Mr Rob Little, our Operations Manager was pleased to attend an hour long pre-election Q&A event in conversation with Crossbench Peer and Chair of the UK’s Manufacturing Commission, Lord Bilimoria, hosted by Policy Connect.

Lord Bilimoria, who was recently awarded an Honorary Fellowship by the London Business School spoke with Policy Connect’s CEO, Claudia Jaksch about his manufacturing-related priorities for a new Government on the 28th June.

Following the online event Mr Little said: “Sadly it seems too rare nowadays that people in industry with true insight and experience actually have access to those that govern. Honest and realistic Truth to Power can only benefit business and our country driving forward. It was great to have the opportunity to be involved in such a frank and honest talk with Lord Bilimoria.” 

As a long-standing member of the Made in Britain campaign, we were delighted to support the publication of the first-ever British Manufacturing Barometer in June which shares manufacturers’ views on the Economy and Industry.

For the first time last year, Made in Britain, a member of the All-Party Parliamentary Manufacturing Group (APMG) attended all three major party Autumn conferences to raise awareness of the importance of the mark, its organisation and its members. The APMG has been set up to raise the profile of manufacturing, influence policy decisions and support industry engagement with the policy-making process.

Read more about the pre-election Q&A and access resources and publications referenced during the webinar event at Policy Connect’s website. 

Visit Made in Britain to learn more about the British Manufacturing Barometer report, download the full report or read feedback about the Barometer a month on from publication.

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