Make UK round table event at Liberal Democrat Party Conference

On Monday 16th September our Head of Strategic Partnerships, Duncan Ray joined a policy discussion at the Liberal Democrat Party Conference facilitated by The Manufacturer’s Organisation, Make UK.
Mr Ray was invited as a member of the MAKE UK East Advisory Board and to give a SME perspective to the discussion.
Speakers included Sarah Only MP, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Treasury and Business, Lord Fox, Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson for Business and Trade and Stephen Phipson, Make UK Chief Executive Officer.
Mr Ray said: “I highlighted the challenges that manufacturing SMEs face in attracting apprentices and how changes in the apprenticeship requirements are not helping SMEs.
“I also raised that changes to R&D tax credits and uncertainty of the scheme alongside uncertainty of the future structure from the current government don’t provide SMEs confidence.”
Other points raised during the discussion were the subjects that the government should be looking at such as providing ultra low interest loans to SMEs for capital investment and the loss of EU grant schemes such as Locate East Sussex disappearing since Brexit, with no replacements, which gives European competitors advantages over British companies.
Visit Make UK for the latest Manufacturing Outlook 2024 Q3 report published on 16th September.