Reducing carbon footprint, our commitment
Focus SB is committed to reducing its carbon footprint by taking all appropriate measures to minimise any impact on the environment throughout the business, from operational to manufacturing processes. The major initiatives include:
We have increased the number of product ranges/finishes which use a fully biodegradable fibreweb bag. We have done this for two reasons, one to improve the protection of the product and secondly to reduce the amount of single use plastics in our packaging. We commit to increasing this across more of our ranges over time.
At the start of 2020 we implemented a paperless office initiative and have introduced energy efficient LED lighting into our factories via funding from The Low Carbon Across the South and East Programme (LOCASE).
Wherever possible we will choose our supply chain partners from the local area, or at least within the UK.
All brochures and printed items are printed on paper made from 100% sustainable sources and are bleach free where possible.
Participation in the Government Cycle to Work Scheme.
In 2022 we changed to a green energy supplier at contract renewal with the supplier’s credentials taking priority over cost.